Position Paper
What is a Position Paper?
A position paper is an optional project that gives you the opportunity to address one of your regions topics in detail and present your proposed solution to the issue at hand. This requires some time and research, but is well worth it in the long run! Although not mandatory, writing a position paper will make you a stronger delegate both, in terms of your confidence in your particular region and in your position. It will also increase your chances at winning an award at the culmination of the conference, where you will be in the running to be selected for the Best Position Paper Award.
For reference, below is a quick guide on how to write a position paper and a sample!
NOTE: The sample paper is well over 10 pages long, which is not particularly necessary. There is no limit to how much you should write, as long as you have a minimum of 3 pages.
Additionally, the following links can also help guide your writing process:
-> http://bestdelegate.com/a-formula-for-the-perfect-position-paper-solution-oriented-research/