Delegate Resources
Delegate Resources and Tips
Best Delegate:
- is packed with resources for conferences of this type. If you have ever participated in or know of anything about Model UN, then the way this conference will be run will be familiar to you. If you’re new to the game, no worries! Use this resource as your way to get a strong understanding of how things will be run.
Please note that even though this is set up similar to a Model UN conference, it is not a MUN conference.
Rules of Procedure:
Please acquaint yourselves with the rules of procedure posted on the website. The rules will be gone over during delegate training, however it is only to your benefit to know them beforehand as they will be followed closely during the conference.
Conducting prior research:
Conducting research before any conference is a must! Be sure to do thorough research outside the scope of the theme guide. Your respective theme guides will have additional sources for you all to use and they are there for a reason, use them!
Quick Tip: It’s recommended to be familiar with not just your topic, but other topics and their overlap with yours
To encourage prior research, MWHO is accepting submissions of position papers. General guidelines for position papers can be viewed here:
Public Speaking:
If you are comfortable with public speaking or want to practice your skills with public speaking, the MWHO Conference is your chance to do just that!
For new public speakers and veterans to public speaking who want a refresher, please use United Nations Association of the United States of America resource:
A total of 11 awards will be given out, 10 delegate awards and 1 journalist award. To be considered for a Best Position Paper delegate award, you must write and submit a position paper. Please reference this document for further information on steps to take to potentially receive an award:
MWHO follows a business casual dress code. A good rule of thumb to follow when deciding how to dress for this conference is “what would you wear to an interview?”. This is a professional environment, please be sure that your appearance adheres to it.