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Leadership Opportunities

Senior Leadership Board

The secretariat is the senior leadership team for the Mason Model World Health Organization. Students on this

board represent the organization to the George Mason University Office for Student Involvement and organize the events and programs throughout the year. Preference is given to existing junior board members followed by existing active members. Once positions are filled internally, the board releases applications publically in April-May.


Applications to the 2020-2021 Senior Board Positions are closed.

Theme and Communication Teams
Junior Leadership Board

Theme Team

Our theme researchers are one of the most important elements of the annual conference. The develop the theme guide that is used by delegates to prepare for the conference. Starting in October they begin to write and research

public health matters in the six regions as they relate to our annual theme. Once they develop the theme guide they go on to publish portions of their work and preside as chairs at the conference.  Throughout the year, they provide additional advice to the senior board on content for member meetings. 


Communications Team 

The communications ambassadors develop the marketing plan under the communications director. Our conference is open to George Mason University students, Fairfax County and Prince William County high school students, and other students from DMV area universities. Our ambassadors are responsible for recruitment but are also responsible for projects on health communication. They create and distribute newsletters and pamphlets with important information on global health policy. 




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Created by Jonathan Sanchez

(Last update: 05-25-2020)


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