Membership Information
Preliminary Requirements
The Model World Health Organization does not currently require anything prior to joining(other than provisional membership). There are no membership dues. No minimum GPA requirements (except for Secretariat Members). Students are welcome from all academic backgrounds regardless of level of experience. Membership is not limited to academic year/placement. Advancement to Senior level positions will be given preference to junior level members.
The Model World Health Organization does not and shall not discriminate against race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in membership or member activities.
The Model World Health Organization will not condone irresponsible practices by its members. Students found to be violating George Mason University policies during the duration of the pandemic will be reported to University Life which will make a referral to Student Conduct. Violation of University Policy may result in sanctions including suspension and/or dismissal from the university. Organizations and individuals may be held accountable for violations of safety procedures.
-Policies apply to on-campus and off-campus congregations of students.
- Students found to be violating university policies on COVID-19 control measures will have their membership immediately revoked. No warnings will be provided.
- Students may be barred from special projects, activities, or applications for future leadership for the remainder of the semester/academic year.
- A referral will be made to university life which will result in a virtual hearing with student conduct.
Members are expected to intervene and advocate for safe practices when made aware of intentions to break policy. Note that university policy is not specific to organizations and is applicable to individuals as well.
Please see the links below for more information:
Your Benefits
We value student engagement and we want to make sure you have access to opportunities that expose you to a better understanding of global health policy. You'll have the following benefits from being a member:
- Gain an understanding and awareness of global health issues
- Understand the methods and procedures of the WHO General Assembly
- Gain valuable research experience through one of our offerings:
- A Group Research Project
- Theme Team Researchers
- Individual Research as a Delegate
- Contribute to meaningful mentorship experience to high school students
- Access student panels on graduate programs for futures in health careers.
- Be involved in a monthly research journal club focusing on global health
- Receive delegate training to prepare for the annual MWHO Conference
- Volunteer in a bi-monthly program that contributes to the annual theme
- Become a part of creating and advocating for policy focusing on solving public health issues
- Develop presentation and debate skills
- Join monthly meetings and discussions focusing on understanding the challenges facing global health
-Eligibility for awards given out each semester and annually.
-Recognition at graduation with cords and stoles.
Point System
There are 5 activity categories. Attendance at one category will provide 5 points. Not all categories rely solely on attendance, some require participation in order to be granted points. Additional points will be granted for non-scheduled and non-regularly scheduled events.
Frequency: Once a month
These are the regularly scheduled meetings for the organization that are open to the public/GMU community. Events are generally held monthly with the exception of the last month of each semester which contains exam finals.
Journal Meetings
Frequency: Biweekly
These meetings are held bi-weekly and are the planning meetings for the organization. There will be some open meetings for general/provisional members and will likely be the last meeting of the month. For leadership positions, attendance alone will not grant points. Progress and/or contributions to discussions will be granted points.
Leadership Meetings
Frequency: Biweekly
Journal meetings will occur in the transition between the leadership and research meetings. These may also be held separately, but there is no current schedule for the 2020 Fall Semester. Attendance alone may grant points.
Research Meetings
Frequency: Biweekly
Participation in research meetings will be granted points. Please note that attendance itself will not allow a student to continue in the study or be granted points. Students attending the research meetings must show progress in individual work and/or contribute to discussions on the development of this project.
Global Health Scholars Program
Frequency: Twice a month
Students may attend the GHSP Meetings throughout the year for extra points or for leading events. Currently, there is a call for abstracts for presentation at the GHSP. These presentations will serve as academic enhancement for HS students.
Table Example

There are a total of 5 categories. Enough activities have been scheduled or are regularly held to allow up to 20 points or at least 20 points. Students must meet the requirements of their respective tiers maintain active membership status and be eligible for membership privileges.
Membership Tiers
Participation Requirement
Provisional Members:
- Given active status for first semester of involvement. A student who advances to general membership status must meet 70% activity attendance. A provisional member may be considered an official member as soon as they reach 70% in a semester.
-Provisional members are not eligible for awards and graduation recognition.
General Memembers:
- Eligible for all awards and graduation recognition. Eligible for future leadership position.
- Must maintain 70% involvement.
-Eligible to participate in research
- First preference for Junior Leadership Positions
Junior Members:
- Eligible for all awards and graduation recognition. Eligible for future senior leadership position.
- Must maintain 80% involvement.
-First Preference for Senior Positions
Senior Members:
- Eligible for all awards and graduation recognition.

What happens if I can't meet the requirements?
Unexcused absence is notification to the Presidents or Secretary 24 hrs prior to an activity category. Students who have not specifically made their intent for research, journal, and GHSP categories do not need to notify for an excuse. However, students should remember to maintain their respective level of involvement.
More than 3 unexcused absences for leadership members will result in a warning
Work will be made to reduce activity level, make alternative plan of involvement, or take a break from the semester.
More than 5 unexcused absences for leadership members will result in:
Removal from senior leadership position to junior leadership if possible
Ineligibility of awards for semester
Revoke membership